Somehow it seems as if the time is right, joining with the rest of the Allendale Lions Club to enjoy a Christmas Dinner evening at Allendale Village Hall, with a view to seeing the profits from the event go towards next Year’s May Fair fund. A lovely idea!
Several years, maybe a decade ago, we tried the same idea as a fund-raiser for the hall itself. Probably we didn’t have enough intrinsic enthusiasm, but only a few tickets were eventually sold. This time around, with the lively support of Anna Harrison for the May Fair committee, who promoted the event earlier in November on Allendale area notices, I think the available space is filled!
The menu is traditional Christmas fare, of course: mains being either turkey with all the trimmings, or a vegetarian mushroom and brie offering from chef Bruce Martin. Starters include chicken liver parfait or curried parsnip soup, while the dessert is Christmas tart with sloe berry syrup. The entry ticket includes a welcoming glass of bubbly, I believe.
There’s to be a bar, of course, and after dinner, a full disco will be laid on, so doubtless there will be some energetic merriment. But some of us may not be able to last out the whole evening, as age and infirmity creep up on us. Doubtless there will be some interesting craic though.
Hard though it is to believe, as time marches on, there’s only another couple of weeks left in the year. Of the available slots in the remaining diary days, some seven are already written, while the basic approach or theme for the others is consolidated too. Just a little more perseverance, then, and the year will be complete! Time for a bountiful Christmas party with friends and colleagues, with a good cause at its heart.