Our local tradespeople

We’ve been fortunate, over the year, to have garnered in stories of a few tradespeople in this patch (like Glenn Nattrass, electrician; or Nigel Baynes, Calor gas distributor; or Peter Dodd, fencing; or Trudie McConnachie’s mobile hairdressing; Jill’s Catering pre-prepared…

The Barber Bus

Just in time for Christmas, the peripatetic Barber Bus is making its grand tour around Tynedale, stopping off this afternoon in its regular slot at Allendale’s Market Square. I was able to drop in for a couple of photographs, as…

The quieter village halls

Amongst the six village halls in this patch, there are three that are really very busy, and three that are quieter. Still sustained by the faithful, still solvent, just quieter. Langley Village Hall, for example, sometimes hosts an evening with…

Whitfield Village Pantry

I dropped into Whitfield Village Pantry the other day to deliver the new (October) update to the Allendale and Allen Valleys Pocket Directory. While I was there, Janet Marriott graciously (it was lunchtime!) answered a few of my questions, so…