
Our Christmas cactus bloomed right on schedule this year, and just at the tail end of the 12 days of Christmas, the fluffy white stuff came down and helped us chill in the waning festive season. Transition into the New Year or what, eh?
Happy New Year to all!

It seems to have been seamless, the transition of these Allendale Diary pages from a fee-based web hosting service to an independent platform within the family, as it were. The serving of individual pages and everything associated with the online diary appears to be as functional as it ever was, thanks to the effort before Christmas, 2021, of the web designer in our midst. And so it’s likely that the online information that’s been a part of the community for the past two years will continue for a while longer.

Meanwhile, some browsers have taken up the opportunity to acquire the eBook for comprehensive offline study on their own devices without needing the internet. The Book of the Blog page holds links to the Amazon platform from which the complete eBook, a virtual facsimile of the entire online experience, can be purchased. That’s been another transition. Of course, the physical book is still available locally thanks to the kind service at the Forge Studios in Allendale’s Market Square.

Additionally, the diarist, that’s me, well . . . I think I’ve been reasonably diligent in the writing sphere, transitioning over this past year from a first novel to a prequel volume, and lately moving into a sequel (scheduled for completion by the end of April this year). Fiction turns out to be rather fun. If you’re interested in the craft of writing, and would enjoy a friendly interaction with the writer/producer of the diary, in a more creative writing context, do check out my writer’s blog and archive material at where you’ll be very welcome. I can’t promise to respond to every query, however, since my head is down and I’m working hard on my 1000 word/day target so as to reach my spring goal.

Speaking of transitions, and realising that my foray into the ‘hard science fiction’ genre (that is, sci-fi that’s based on a reasonable scientific premise, which in my case includes the newer genre ‘cli-fi’ or climate fiction) will likely be finished with the completion of my Biome NE47 trilogy, I’ve been exploring a new writing strategy since the autumn: historical fiction. My explorations in this sphere, as well as some tentative ventures into poetry, are also documented, and archived at

Hoping your own reading and possibly writing adventures are sailing on into the New Year, and with all best wishes,

Larry Winger,