Proofs accepted; printing in process

Allendale Diary in print . . .

Well, let’s see . . . a fair bit of work has gone into the compiling of all the components for the big ‘book of the blog,’ but it’s all finished now, and the proof came back by 1st Class post on Wednesday from the printer. It looks like quite a delight, to be honest!

In fact, there was only one minor modification to make to the proof copy, which was actually the printer’s error: for reasons known only to them, they decided to print the ‘Afterword’ right after the ‘Foreword’ and before the actual blog contents. But fortuitously, that extra bit of time meant that I could spend that much more ruminating effort before pressing the big ‘Print’ button (100kg of books — in slightly archaic terms, that’s a quintal — is not something to embark on lightly!). And so I was able to add another two salient paragraphs of thanks and clarification. Now the final ‘Afterword’ is in the printer’s hands, with careful instructions as to its proper placement, and printing can commence.

I shall be delighted to be distributing the pre-ordered copies to subscribers as soon as they arrive (perhaps by the middle of the week commencing on the 20th, if the printer’s schedule can be relied on), and there are intimations of a book signing (how very grand, man!) session in early February, so watch this space!

Some readers have kindly wondered if I might not be feeling slightly bereft, after the daily discipline of diarising has been let go, but I’ve been happy to develop other projects to be getting on with, thanks very much! And it looks like great fun to be getting the whole blog out in print and into readers’ hands. A tangible thing, in other words, which somehow makes the whole process feel that much more ‘real.’

Meanwhile, thanks so much for your patience, and apologies to those of you who have intimated that they are themselves feeling slightly discomfited without their daily dose of Allendale Diary (maybe I can garner in some more useful contributions over the coming months before the 2nd Edition, if it should be required). So the blog space is always open — at least until the end of 2021 — for additional words!

Fingers at pen or keyboard, then: ready, steady now, and go!