These images from Stephanie Atkinson of this morning’s great clear-up of the square remind us of last year’s similar images. Thanks Stephanie!
Today the diary turns the corner into another year. Stephanie, who is always up early to walk her dogs, captured an image or two last year during and after the cleanup, which started the diary on its way. Actually, we could blithely feature the same images as last year, and few would be the wiser! So life goes on, and that’s part of the point of the diary, really.
Later today there will be lovely, community-minded revelry in the pubs, as traditional music swings through the air on waves of cheerfulness, as everyone pretends not to have a sore head, or perhaps as the hair of the dog cuts back through into a physical reminiscence of the night before.
Also, later today, for a change, we’ll publish another entry, with a view to the future in 2020. And then, after a dedicated year of diarising, these pages will fall silent for a while, until the announcement that the ‘book of the blog’ is back from the presses! Look out for that from about mid-January, I hope. It will be strange to be scrabbling around finessing everything into book format, and not actually confiding much more about the process, or anything else for that matter, to the diary, but I’m sure we’ll all cope.
As more than one reader has commented, yes, I shall feel quite bereft without the delightful daily task to concentrate my mind. But for the next weeks, anyway, I shall hope to fill that void with excitement about the ‘blook.’
See you all around the houses!